Devlog #2

Art Update

Appliances Assets:

Placeholder assets and interactive animation.

UI Assets:

Started to create sketches for the home page of the game and general UI (how the game will look).

Gameplay Update


The last of our major mechanics which had not been touched yet was stress. We made a quick mockup of what that might look like. The basic idea is that heat increases your stress, fire increases it further, and the stress decays over time. Stress will make the microgames harder and may serve other functions in the game (TBD).


The basic code for appliances is done. When a player interacts with them, they will play a microgame and then either:

  1. Get a basic ingredient (if the appliance is a fridge)
  2. Spend an ingredient and acquire a new one (on success if such a recipe exists)
  3. Start a fire and waste their ingredient
  4. Do nothing because the ingredient cannot be used with that appliance to create something


We also implemented recipes. These work with a singleton pattern where each recipe is a primary ingredient, (optional) secondary ingredient, and appliance. Then each one has an output which is a prefab. Concretely using an example:

  1. Player gets dough from fridge
  2. Player uses dough on cutting board (kneading)
  3. Player succeeds and gets kneaded dough
  4. Player uses kneaded dough on oven
  5. Player succeeds and gets baguette

Customer Behaviour and Ordering:

The customer behaviour has been refined to simulate a real-life restaurant queue better. Customers can now issue an order of a random baked good from the recipes and the player can serve the customer their specific order by interacting with the service counter. The Customer interactions are as follows

  1. The customer is spawned and makes its way to line up in the queue
  2. Upon entering the queue and ceasing movement the customer will generate a randomly assigned food order
  3. When the player is holding food they can interact with the service counter. The first customer in the queue who has ordered the food that the player is holding will be served. Otherwise, nothing will happen. It should be noted that this means that the player can serve the second customer in line first if their order is different from the customer at the start of the queue. It also means that if two customers have the same order the one closer to the front of the queue takes priority
  4. Upon receiving their order the customer will turn around and leave the way that they came, set to inactive, and will be reactivated with re-initialized after a random period to re-enter the queue

Next steps for this task will be to create a speech bubble to display the order and randomize the customer model on spawn.

Get Baked

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